Diamond Agribusiness Air Jack Case Study

A Solution for the Agriculture Industry
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The Challenge

A leading agriculture commodity processing company was experiencing frequent downtime on each of its 30+ air jacks. Each air jack utilizes around 5′ of chain and is not able to receive maintenance frequently. Due to the inability to perform regular maintenance, each air jack was failing after just two weeks at a cost of $200 per incident.

The Solution

To solve this issue, Diamond experts recommended our o-ring chain. This is one of Diamond’s reduced maintenance product offerings and is constructed with polymer o-rings that seal a specially formulated lubricant into every joint. This unique construction seals in lubrication while sealing out contaminants such as dirt and moisture, thus extending the life of the chain.

The Result

After replacing the competitor’s product with Diamond®️ o-ring chain, wear life increased from 2 weeks to 52 weeks.
This increase saved the manufacturer $6,500 after one year and is projected to save $32,400 after five years.