Drives Mining Case Study

A Solution for the Mining Industry
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The Challenge

Sprocket damage resulting from undetected chain elongation can lead to significant replacement costs. In addition, conventional chain inspection for elongation can be time-consuming and unreliable. Such was the case for one mining application in Texas experiencing a high rate of sprocket failure as chains ran far beyond their limitations.

The Solution

Drives® suggested the EZ Chain Wear Gauge®, an easy-to-use method for testing chains for elongation in any application. The EZ Chain Wear Gauge quickly detects chain elongation at 3 percent, the limit at which the chain should be replaced to prevent costlier damage to the application’s sprockets. Used in conjunction with our Chain Wear Measurement tracking tool accessed via, the pair can help users extend the life of all their equipment.

The Result

  • Easier and enhanced visibility into chain performance
  • Improved sprocket life
  • $16,000 in savings
  • Timely and reliable results